
Monday, 30 August 2010

Re-inventing this blog

After a considerable amount of thinking I have decided this blog will be about practically anything that's on my mind such as gaming, music and even Politics on the off day that it actually intrests me.

So, to kickstart this re-invention i'm going to start with a little of what I have to say on the Call Of Duty series.

 Okay so I started playing the COD series from COD2 and have played every single one of them since then - Personally, COD2 was easily my favourite with actual REAL sniping none of this "quick-scope" and "no-scope" bull it's possibly the only game in the COD series that i can say I actually enjoyed sniping. Onto my next topic COD3... there's nothing much to say about that apart from the amount of dick it sucked (alot) however I did enjoy driving into dead cows on the quads. COD4 in my opinion was great, a real laugh to play and a game that didnt "dry out" that quick I could literally play for hours and not get bored - which brings me onto my next topic MW2, seriously, WTF. MW2 is fucking horrible I can't say that i enjoy anything about that game, I really cant, apart from possibly getting luck-throws with throwing knifes which is just fucking gay.

To sum it up, imo COD2 was easily the best game in the series (currently) however I have high hopes for Black Ops.

So yeah that was my first actual blog and suprisingly enough I kind of enjoyed it. No doubt nobody actually gives a shit about what I was saying (I don't blame you) and no doubt people actually won't read this.
-Pixelstalking out, brothers. 

Edit: I realise I missed my opinion out on World At War, simply because it doesn't deserve an opinion the utter shit that it is.


  1. Black ops seems cool cant wait to play it and i agree most of the online in WaW is shit with everyone using mp40 but have u playd the zombie mode? its a blast i can play it for hours on end and makes WaW a good game imo alone because of it. i hear black ops is going to hav zombies too which is great.

  2. Gotta agree on that one, cod2 was by far the best in the series. I did enjoy MW1 before all the cheaters found it though, MW2 was just meh with all their "innovations" on the serverside... Cheers from ^^

  3. Reinvention is always good, are you a Buddhist? :)

  4. ive played cod since the first one. cod uo had a great modding community, i really miss that game
